This is the title of an editorial published on Udine’s Confindustria magazine concerning the event held in Palazzo Torriani last 18th of February.

Confindustria has promoted this meeting together with T4T, the network that pools the composite producers of the Province of Udine (important international industrial district) whose goal was to show the potentialities, the building methods and the application experiences of the fiberglass-reinforced polymers (FRP) in the integrated water cycle.

Our region, Friuli Venezia Giulia, is at the 6th place among the Italian regions for the trouble of water leaks. The will to find a solution to this particularly pronounced problem is what originated this event. The producing and innovating capability of the network companies and the cooperation with research poles such as in this case the Università degli Studi di Udine has offered an incisive answer to this important matter that does not only affect our area but is a worldwide concern.
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